Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2023 - Childcare Settings

Closed 6 Aug 2023

Opened 13 Jul 2023


Every year we must conduct a Childcare Sufficiency Assessment which is a statutory duty under the Childcare Act 2016. 

To assist with the assessment, we need to gather information from you via a short survey which should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. It is crucial that you answer this as accurately as possible so it is a correct and meaningful exercise. Please base your answers on week commencing 10 July 2023. We have kept this survey as short as possible, but in preparation for the reforms which will be implemented from April 2024 we will shortly be asking all providers to complete a more detailed survey to assist with our planning and Trafford’s Self-Assessment. 

The information you provide on this survey is confidential and will be used at borough-wide level and also neighbourhood level. No information about your individual setting/school nursery will be shared. The sufficiency assessment will be published and available on our website.

What action do I need to take? 

Please complete this survey by Sunday 23 July.

Many thanks