Council Tax Discretionary Discounts

Closed 26 Aug 2022

Opened 1 Jul 2022


Trafford Council has a number of Council Tax discretionary discounts on certain classes of empty properties and as there are no government grants covering the cost of these discounts. The Council is consulting on changes to the following existing discretionary awards:

  • Up to one month 100% discount on all empty and unfurnished properties from the date it became vacant;
  • Up to one month 100% discount on all new, unoccupied properties
  • 100% discount for up to a maximum of 12 months on all property undergoing or requiring structural alterations or major repairs.

Why your views matter

The Council is facing severe financial pressures and as a result needs to review its discretionary awards.  Whilst trying to find the balance between maximising incomes available to the Council to fund much needed services, against the individual financial impact, the decision has been made to retain the Council Tax Support Scheme at a maximum award of 100% as well as the 100% discount to Care Leavers and Special Constables and consult on removing the unoccupied properties discounts which are over and above the statutory requirements.

What happens next

The changes will be effective from 1 April 2023 onwards.