Cost of Care; Survey for providers of residential and nursing care homes for people aged 65+ and all homecare providers for adults

Closed 9 Oct 2022

Opened 1 Oct 2022


Dear Colleagues

As part of our Cost for Care returns to the DHSC, we have the opportunity to reflect our providers’ views on market sustainability in our Market Sustainability Position.

Informal feedback has highlighted significant concerns in key areas across both homecare and care homes and we are keen to ascertain the differential impact of those within our care market as a whole.

Alongside the continued economic pressures, Trafford Council is continuing to purchase less beds year on year in line with our Living Well at Home approach. Trafford is an attractive place for developers and we are constantly under pressure from developers who wish to build more care homes, at a time when we have significant numbers of vacancies within our homes. And of course we have the cap on charging for social care coming in next year which may have an impact on how self-funders purchase care.

As a result of these factors, you may be considering diversifying your operations and we would really like to both understand those and how we can support you.

Please answer the following questions: