Social Prescribing Working Group

Closed 21 Jun 2024

Opened 23 May 2024


Currently there is ongoing work to try and improve social prescribing in Trafford.

A working group has been organised which meeting for the second time on Thursday 23rd of May. This meeting focused on discussing two topics:

1. Defining the social prescribing in Trafford

2. Where do we want to see Social Prescribing in Trafford in 4-5 years? 

This survey is to capture the opinions and views of those present and not present at the meeting (especially those holding social prescribing/similar roles) to help inform work going forwards.

Why your views matter

Your input will help us to consolidate what the priorities for social prescribing over the next 4-5 years should be, and what the review over the next few months will focus on.

What happens next

We will review and consolidate the responses your perspectives in advance of the next meeting. 

Thank you for your time.