Community Estate Policy Consultation

Closed 21 Nov 2022

Opened 31 Oct 2022


Trafford Council’s vision is for a Trafford where all our residents, businesses and communities prosper. Supporting this vision, the Community Estate Policy sets out the Council’s approach for the management and operation of its Community Estate and how it works with and supports these assets both now and in the future.

This policy will set the vision to deliver a better integrated public service across the borough, working in partnership with our health partners and community groups to provide a fit for purpose community asset base.

The Council recognises the vital role that our health partners and community play in achieving the Council’s vision, priorities and outcomes as set out in the Corporate Plan. The aim of this policy is to support these outcomes of: Reducing health inequalities, supporting people out of poverty and addressing our climate crisis.

The policy comes at a time when we are being asked to do more with less, so it is right that we make the best of our resources to deliver these priorities, while achieving best value from our estate. That means working with our partners and communities to deliver a fit for purpose community estate that puts the needs of our communities at the heart of everything that we do.

Why your views matter

The policy sets out a number of principles that will impact on assests based in communities, which we would like to consult on.