Trafford Workplace NHS Healthcheck Feedback form ADW3

Closes 31 Mar 2025

Opened 14 Mar 2025


Thank you for being part of Trafford Council’s Workplace NHS Health Check Pilot and taking steps to improve your health and help prevent cardiovascular disease.

The Trafford Workplace NHS Health Check Pilot scheme offers employees aged 30 to 74 years from organisations in Trafford, the opportunity to have a free NHS Health Check in their workplace. This scheme is part of the Department of Health and Social Care’s national Workplace Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Health Check Pilot running until 31st March 2025, which aims to help detect and prevent cardiovascular disease and enable people to stay healthy and in work.

To capture learning on Trafford’s Workplace NHS Health Check Pilot Scheme, we would be grateful if you could please fill our this short survey about your experience of receiving a workplace health check.


Why your views matter

Your views and feedback on your workplace health check will give valuable insight to help us evaluate Trafford’s Workplace NHS Health Check Pilot and capture learning for the delivery of NHS Health Checks in the future to help detect and prevent cardiovascular disease across Trafford. As part of the survey, we ask for demographic information to help us get a better understanding of the type of employees who are receiving a workplace health check. However, any information you share in the surtvey will remain anonymous.

If you have any questions about the survey or the pilot, please get in contact at



Give us your views