Open activities

17 results

  • Safe Space

    A number of months have passed since you completed the Safe Space training, and Trafford Council and Partners are keen to find out whether you have been able to successfully apply the knowlegde, skills and tools you learnt to your role, and how effective that has been with both children and young people and parent / carers. We would like to know any facilitators and barriers to successfully supporting families using the Safe Space toolkit and whether as a result you have seen any... More
    Closes 31 July 2024
  • Trafford SEND survey 2024

    Trafford Commissioning are in the process of developing a commissioning strategy for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities aged 0 - 25 in Trafford. The voices of children and young people are paramount to the work we do and we welcome them to complete this short questionnaire to offer their feedback and views to shape services in Trafford moving forward. For those children and young people unable to complete themselves we welcome... More
    Closes 31 July 2024
  • Scoping delivery plan content

    We are developing a Trafford Mental Health and Wellbeing delivery plan that will describe the breadth of work being undertaken to improve population mental health and wellbeing outcomes, set out our shared objectives across the system (including VCFSE, local authority, NHS ICB, primary care, commissioned providers) and start to identify the measures by which we will monitor progress against our objectives. In order to scope content for the delivery plan we have devised this... More
    Closes 31 July 2024
  • Allotment Strategy Engagement

    Trafford Council are keen to engage with stakeholders in the development of an allotment strategy. A Trafford Allotment Strategy will provide the Borough with a clear plan, supported by stakeholders, that enables a sustainably funded service, meets statutory obligations and supports the Council’s wider priorities. Trafford Council will do this by creating a clear and focused vision, strategic objectives, and deliverable actions. More
    Closes 9 August 2024
  • Trafford Mental Health and Suicide Training Needs - 5 minute survey

    Every year in Trafford, on average, 15 people die by suicide. Every death is a tragic loss to life that impacts family, friends and colleagues. As part of our suicide prevention strategy, w e are committed to making Trafford a place where suicide prevention is everyone’s business and where people should not feel like suicide is their only option. Two key priorities of the Suicide Prevention Partnership Board are to ensure our workforce and residents feel confident and... More
    Closes 9 August 2024
  • Gambling Policy 2025

    Trafford Council is currently reviewing its gambling policy, with the intention that any amended policy will become effective on 31st January 2025. The Council is consulting a range of bodies as part of this process including those that represent residents, local businesses, premises licence holders and other interested parties in the Trafford area. In Summer 2023 the Gambling Commission published a consultation document on proposed changes to... More
    Closes 16 August 2024
  • Street Collections Policy 2024

    Street collections provide bona fide charities with an opportunity to gain income from the generosity of the general public through cash donations and have been a major source of fundraising activity for over 100 years. Section 5 of the Police, Factories & c. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916, as amended, if adopted by a local authority, enables a local authority to regulate street collections through the making of regulations and by the issue of permits. ... More
    Closes 16 August 2024
  • Starting Strong

    Thank you for attending the Starting Strong workshops. We hope you find them useful and that they give you tools and confidence to support your child and your family. This survey allows us to gather some feedback from the sessions, what worked well, what not so well and any other comments you would like to add. We really do appreciate your time and feedback. More
    Closes 31 August 2024
  • Reducing Parental Conflict lunch and learn

    Trafford's Reducing Parental Coordinator is hosting 4 lunch and learn sessions over April and May 2024 to introduce new digital resources which have been purchased to help support families in conflict. These sessions are designed to provide those attending with knowledge and an understanding of the resource content so they are confident to signpost families to use them. More
    Closes 31 December 2024
  • HOST Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Please complete this survey to let us know what you think of the HOST service More
    Closes 31 January 2025
  • RPC Training

    Thank you for attending the RPC training. In order to make sure the training is targeted and pitched at the right level, we would really appreciate your feedback. This evaluation is designed to capture your thoughts and experience of the training programme and what you have learnt. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the training when you are working with families, we will carry out additional evaluation in 3 – 6 months’ time. This will focus on how your... More
    Closes 31 March 2025
  • Mental Health Padlet Questionnaire

    Please let us know what you think of our Mental Health and Wellbeing Padlet More
    Closes 31 May 2025
  • SEND Padlet Questionnaire

    Please let us know what you think of our SEND Padlet More
    Closes 31 May 2025
  • Family Help Padlet Questionnaire

    Please let us know what you think of our Family Help Padlet More
    Closes 31 May 2025
  • RPC training follow up

    A number of months have passed since you completed the Reducing Parental Conflict training and Trafford Council are keen to find out whether you have been able to successfully apply the knowledge and skills learnt to your role. We would like to identify any facilitators and barriers to successfully supporting parents in conflict and whether, as a result of the training, you have seen any positive outcomes with families. As we progress our RPC training programme, it is useful to get an... More
    Closes 11 July 2025
  • Triple P Fearless

    A cognitive-behavioural parenting intervention delivered online that supports parents to help children manage their anxiety more effectively. The programme involves six (1-hour) online modules that parents complete independently in their own time, from a computer, tablet or smartphone. We would appreciate if you could take the time to complete this survey prior to completing Fearless and after so that we can get an understanding of whether the support offered has been effective. More
    Closes 30 April 2026
  • Triple P evaluation

    Triple P is a positive parenting programme free to Trafford residents. It focuses on supporting parents; Build a stronger relationship, Negotiate boundaries and expectations, Deal calmly with conflict, Survive the emotional rollercoaster, Prepare for risky situations and equip your children to handle life’s problems. More
    Closes 26 September 2026
17 results. Page 1 of 1