Hale Place Plan Consultation

Closed 17 Feb 2023

Opened 16 Jan 2023

Feedback updated 7 Jul 2023

We asked

Trafford Council asked residents and businesses questions relating to the vision, objectives and overarching strategies set out within the draft Hale Place Plan.

The consultation was promoted using the Council’s social media accounts, in press releases to the local media, in person one-to-one meetings and consultation event at St Peters, Hale.

You said

190 surveys were completed both online and in person at the consultation event.

46% stated that they visit Hale daily, with a further 27% stating they visit every other day. 69% stated that their frequency of visiting the centre has not changed post Covid.

57% of respondents stated that they typically travel to Hale on foot (walking), with a further 38% by car. 4% stated that they travel to the centre by bicycle.

The main purpose of visiting Hale was to undertake convenience (food shopping), comprising 47% of the responses, followed by visiting a café, bar or restaurant (29%).

44% of respondents stated that the draft Vision for Hale appropriately reflects the community’s future aspirations for the centre.

In terms of the draft Objectives, the following proportions considered that they covered the requirements within the centre:

  • Offer of the centre objectives – 48%
  • Movement of the centre objectives – 50%
  • Streetscape objectives – 61%
  • Public realm objectives – 53%

A total of 50% of respondents stated that they supported the proposed strategy for the bowling green area and a further 53% stated that they consider the movement strategy around the bowling green to be appropriate.

63% stated that they considered the strategy for the clock tower to be appropriate, with a further 66% stating that they considered the movement strategy around the clock tower to be appropriate.

A total of 51% of respondents stated that they consider the movement strategy along Ashley Road to be appropriate.

We did

The results and outputs from this consultation are being analysed and will be used to finalise the Place Plan, ready for presentation at the Council’s Executive Committee.

The process working up to the presentation of the Place Plan at Executive is to speak to other key stakeholders within the Council in order to help shape the final Place Plans on the back of the comments raised by residents, businesses and other stakeholders.


Trafford Council instructed Nexus Planning and a wider team of sub-consultants in 2019 to prepare Place Plans for the villages of Sale Moor and Hale.  

The Plans were subject to a wide range of public and stakeholder consultation and were progressed at a time when the Covid pandemic was beginning to have full effect on the way we were socialising and using our town centres. The Plans were drafted but then subsequently withdrawn to be revisited at a time when the country was back to a degree of ‘normality’. 

As such, we are now looking to update the Place Plans to ensure they are relevant, pick up on the changes to the way we use our centres following the pandemic and appropriately reflect the key aspirations of stakeholders within each centre.  

To assist the project team to ensure the plans represent stakeholders’ aspirations as best they can, we are asking the public, businesses and stakeholders for their help by completing this consultation.

Why your views matter

This is your opportunity to have your say on the future development of Hale village centre.

It's important that stakeholders, residents and users all contribute to this consultation as this will guide the future development of the village centre.

Tell us what you think to make sure you have your say in the future of Hale village.

Click the ">>" button on the top right of the frame below, and select 'Presentation mode' to view the presentation in full screen mode, or click 'Download' to save to your computer.

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What happens next

Following the consultation, the responses will be analysed and themes incorporated into the strategy.  

The revised strategy will then be published on Trafford Council's website.



    From 24 Jan 2023 at 14:00 to 24 Jan 2023 at 19:00

    Give your views in person at St Peters Assembly Rooms (Small Hall), 134 Cecil Rd, Hale, WA15 9NU (see link below for map) where the consultation boards will be on display and staff from the project team at Nexus and Trafford Council will be on hand to speak with:
    Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/5kzbtEeLHrM3QfMH7