St Hugh of Lincoln School Street Consultation

Closed 24 Jun 2024

Opened 15 May 2024


What is a School Street?

The purpose of a School Street is to create a safer and healthier environment outside the school gates by reducing road danger, improving air quality and encouraging active travel.

When the school street is operational at the start and end of the school day, the road becomes a temporary walking, wheeling and cycling zone.

Access would still be maintained for residents and businesses whose property is within the closure zone, valid blue badge holders, pedestrians, and cyclists. Emergency vehicles would also always have access.


By temporarily closing the road to motor vehicles at the start and end of the school day we aim to help

•            Create a safer environment outside the school gates for children, families and residents

•            Improve the air quality in and around the school by reducing pollution from traffic and vehicles waiting with their engines running

•            Make it easier for families to choose walking, scooting and cycling to school to improve health and wellbeing

•            Reduce anti-social behaviour from inconsiderate parking and dangerous manoeuvres

What is the proposal for the School Street?

The proposal is to trial a School Street on Glastonbury Road (between the junctions with Winchester Road and Brompton Road) and is summarised as follows:

Between the hours of 8.20 - 9am and 2.45 – 3.30pm on school days the road would become a temporary pedestrian and cycling zone.

Residents and businesses whose property is within the closure zone and holders of a valid blue badge would still be able to maintain access.

Please see the document attached  for more details, including how to give your feedback at our in-person consultation.

Why your views matter

Whatever your views about School Streets, as a parent, resident, business, or driver, we would like to hear your views. Your views are important to us and will help the Council make a decision.

What happens next

How we use your feedback

Due to the high number of consultation forms expected, it may not be possible to provide an individual response, however we will consider your comments to help us reach a decision on the proposals.