Engagement Hub

Welcome to Trafford Council's Engagement Hub.

Every year we make decisions that affect the community. The Council is committed to supporting people out of poverty, reducing health inequalities, and addressing our climate crisis.

The hub will help you find opportunities to get involved and have your say on the things that matter to you.

See how your input has assisted decision making

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Open activities

  • Current and Future VCFSE Infrastructure Support

    Trafford has a strong, committed and resourceful Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector built over many years. The sector supports communities and helps them to thrive, often supporting the most vulnerable in our society. It is critical to the success of the borough. Trafford’s new Corporate Plan, Our Trafford Our Future 2024-27, outlines how we as a Council, want to work...

    Closes 20 October 2024

  • Short Break Provider Forum Sept 2024

    Thank you for attending the Short Break Provider Forum held in Trafford on Wednesday 25th September. Please can you take a few minutes to complete the survey so commissioning colleagues can get your feedback on the session and plan for future events.

    Closes 25 October 2024

  • Short Break Provider Forum

    Thank you for attending the Short Break Provider Forum held in Trafford on Wednesday 25th September. Please can you take a few minutes to complete the survey so commissioning colleagues can get your feedback on the session and plan for future events.

    Closes 25 October 2024

  • Triple P Fear-less Feedback Check In

    Following your registration for the Triple P Fear-less online programme, we would like to gather your thoughts and feedback as to whether you have found the programme useful or not. We would be really grateful if you could complete this short survey to help us understand what is working well and what could be improved, your voice is important in helping shape the services and support here...

    Closes 31 October 2024

  • Dads Group

    At Trafford Council we are gathering information about support for families in the area. As part of this we would like to understand more about the needs of dads. We are seeking feedback from dads to establish the demand and type of support required in Trafford.

    Closes 15 November 2024

Closed activities

  • Housing Strategy 2025-2030 Consultation

    At Trafford Council, we know that housing plays a pivotal role in economic growth and thriving communities, and understand that having the right home can have a big impact on our residents' quality of life. With that in mind, we have developed the Draft Housing Strategy 2025-2030. The aim of...

    Closed 14 October 2024

  • Social Prescribing - Recording Systems Feedback

    You do not need to use Elemental in your service to respond to this survey. Please still respond regardless of what system you're using. Several recording systems are used across Social Prescribing to capture case notes, make referrals, and record outcomes. Many services use Elemental,...

    Closed 30 September 2024

  • Flixton Community Streets Trial - Pre-Survey Registration Form

    The idea behind the Flixton Community Streets trial is to make roads safer and more pleasant for all road users, including motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users. We want to make the air cleaner and encourage residents to cycle, walk or wheel where possible, and we hope this scheme...

    Closed 27 September 2024

  • Scoping delivery plan content

    We are developing a Trafford Mental Health and Wellbeing delivery plan that will describe the breadth of work being undertaken to improve population mental health and wellbeing outcomes, set out our shared objectives across the system (including VCFSE, local authority, NHS ICB, primary care,...

    Closed 13 September 2024

  • Gambling Policy 2025

    Trafford Council is currently reviewing its gambling policy, with the intention that any amended policy will become effective on 31st January 2025. The Council is consulting a range of bodies as part of this process including those that represent residents, local businesses,...

    Closed 16 August 2024

Social media

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