We Asked, You Said, We Did

Below are some of the issues we have recently consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

To help ensure Urmston continues to thrive over the coming years, we are working to develop a Plan for Urmston town centre and we asked for your thoughts and views to inform this plan.

The Plan will set a framework on how the vitality and sustainability of the town centre could be improved, how its performance as one of the borough’s four town centres could be strengthened, and how its visual and environmental appearance, accessibility and active travel could be improved. The Plan will also take a high level look only at the development, improvement, and regeneration potential of a number of specific sites in the town centre, and is not looking at the wholescale re-development of the town.


You said

Thank you for taking the time to provide your wide range of feedback. 

We did

We are currently analysing the results which will inform further development of the plan.

We asked

The Council’s draft Trafford Wharfside Framework offers a vision for the Trafford Wharfside area as a key emerging neighbourhood over the next 15 years. The Trafford Wharfside Development Framework has been prepared by the Council in discussion with major landowning partners including Peel, Manchester United and Salford City Council.

The Framework identified a number of potential development sites and will be used to set an overall strategy to guide future, well designed development in the area. It places nature and landscape at the heart of its vision, celebrates the Manchester Ship Canal waterfront and the Imperial War Museum, creates opportunities for up to 5,000 high quality new homes (up to c2,500 within the plan period), connects Trafford Wharfside to the city centre and develops a high-quality setting for Manchester United as they develop their plans for a world-class football stadium.

The survey provided an opportunity to give your views on the strategy.


You said

Thank you for taking the time to provide a wide range of feedback.

We did

We are currently analysing the feedback so that we can ensure the Framework is supported by your input and reflects your thoughts about the Wharfside area.

We asked

Trafford Council asked residents and businesses questions relating to the vision, objectives and overarching strategies set out within the draft Sale Moor Place Plan.

The consultation was promoted using the Council’s social media accounts, in press releases to the local media and in person at a consultation event at the Trinity Methodist Church, Sale Moor.


You said

266 surveys were completed both online and in person at the consultation event.

40% stated that they visit Sale Moor daily, with a further 24% stating they visit every other day. 59% stated that their frequency of visiting the centre has not changed post Covid.

61% of respondents stated that they typically travel to Sale Moor on foot (walking), with a further 30% by car. 6% stated that they travel to the centre by bicycle.

The main purpose of visiting Sale Moor was to undertake convenience (food shopping), comprising 63% of the responses, followed by ‘other reasons’ (15%). A total of 11% stated that the main purpose is to visit a café, bar or restaurant.

69% of respondents stated that the draft Vision for Sale Moor appropriately reflects the community’s future aspirations for the centre.

In terms of the draft Objectives, the following proportions considered that they covered the requirements within the centre:

  • Offer of the centre objectives – 74%
  • Movement of the centre objectives – 64%
  • Streetscape objectives – 75%
  • Public realm objectives – 71%

A total of 62% of respondents stated that they supported the proposed movement strategy.

We did

The results and outputs from this consultation are being analysed and will be used to finalise the Place Plan, ready for presentation at the Council’s Executive Committee.

The process working up to the presentation of the Sale Moor Place Plan at Executive is to speak to other key stakeholders within the Council in order to help shape the final Place Plans on the back of the comments raised by residents, businesses and other stakeholders.

We asked

Trafford Council asked residents and businesses questions relating to the vision, objectives and overarching strategies set out within the draft Hale Place Plan.

The consultation was promoted using the Council’s social media accounts, in press releases to the local media, in person one-to-one meetings and consultation event at St Peters, Hale.

You said

190 surveys were completed both online and in person at the consultation event.

46% stated that they visit Hale daily, with a further 27% stating they visit every other day. 69% stated that their frequency of visiting the centre has not changed post Covid.

57% of respondents stated that they typically travel to Hale on foot (walking), with a further 38% by car. 4% stated that they travel to the centre by bicycle.

The main purpose of visiting Hale was to undertake convenience (food shopping), comprising 47% of the responses, followed by visiting a café, bar or restaurant (29%).

44% of respondents stated that the draft Vision for Hale appropriately reflects the community’s future aspirations for the centre.

In terms of the draft Objectives, the following proportions considered that they covered the requirements within the centre:

  • Offer of the centre objectives – 48%
  • Movement of the centre objectives – 50%
  • Streetscape objectives – 61%
  • Public realm objectives – 53%

A total of 50% of respondents stated that they supported the proposed strategy for the bowling green area and a further 53% stated that they consider the movement strategy around the bowling green to be appropriate.

63% stated that they considered the strategy for the clock tower to be appropriate, with a further 66% stating that they considered the movement strategy around the clock tower to be appropriate.

A total of 51% of respondents stated that they consider the movement strategy along Ashley Road to be appropriate.

We did

The results and outputs from this consultation are being analysed and will be used to finalise the Place Plan, ready for presentation at the Council’s Executive Committee.

The process working up to the presentation of the Place Plan at Executive is to speak to other key stakeholders within the Council in order to help shape the final Place Plans on the back of the comments raised by residents, businesses and other stakeholders.

We asked

We asked you to comment on a draft strategy in relation to walking, wheeling and cycling with the aim to improve the level of current walking, wheeling and cycling.

You said

You have us a great deal of feedback as per the below link: 

Public Consultation Survey Results V1.pdf (trafford.gov.uk)

In summary, 72% of the respondents agreed that the strategy would lead and inspire behaviour change towards more walking, wheeling and cycling with a majority agreeing that quality infrastructure was a key requirement to increasing the levels of walking, wheeling and cycling.



We did

The feedback formed part of a report that went to Trafford Coucnil's Executive which can be found here:

Report (trafford.gov.uk)

The recommendation agreed was to adopt the Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Strategy and enable Trafford's and Greater Manchester’s vision for Active Travel.

We asked

Trafford Council asked residents 26 questions relating to themselves and the proposals for the leisure centre in Altrincham via a survey and offered online group sessions as well as key stakeholder conversations.

The consultation was promoted using the Council’s and Trafford Leisure’s social media accounts, in press releases to the local media. and across various busy sites in Altrincham.

You said

576 people responded to the consultation

53% were female and 43% were male.

12% were under the age of 35. 66% were between the ages of 35 and 54 and 18% were over 55.

54% were physically active for over 150minutes a week.

You said the main reasons for not currently using the centre more were focused on the condition, parking options and lack of facilities.

76% of respondents welcomed the proposals for the cafe and reception.

78% of respondents welcomed the proposals for the sports halls and studios including the immersive spin studio.

74% of respondents welcomed the proposals for the fitness suite (gym) and changing rooms.

71% or respondents welcomed the proposals for the Spa / Wellbeing area.

The priority facilities / Activities were highlighted as the swimming pools followed by the fitness suite (gym), fitness classes, the spa / wellbeing area, the sports hall and cafe.


We did

The results and outputs from this consultation have been analysed and helped to inform the designs that have been agreed at Trafford Council's Executive. The objective is to now develop the proposals in line with the feedback received with a construction partner in to a planning application later in 2022 and then is successful in to a construction period from 2023.

We asked

About how you engage with children and young people to improve your services.

You said

Some of you had explicit strategies while others didn't. The most common ways you involved children and young people were through a suggestion box, involving them in planning and running events and having an easily accessible complaints policy. You would all be happy to sign up for a Trafford wide pledge to our children and young people.

We did

We are currently working with children and young people to finalise our strategy going forward. This includes a pledge to our children and young people written with our children and young people. Once the pledge is finalised we will send it out for consultation with you before asking you to sign up to it.

We asked

The Access Trafford Customer Survey  was carried out for 30 days by asking residents who recently contacted Access Trafford by phone and email to complete a short survey to help us gain valuable insight into what we do well and where we can improve.  Thank you to the 150 residents who took the time to provide us with your valuable feedback. 

We asked you the following questions to help us forward plan and improve our service to you.

  • Did you try to use the Trafford Council website before contacting Access Trafford by email or telephone?
  • How you found the advice given by our Customer Service Advisors
  • To rate the professionalism and friendliness of our Customer Service Advisors
  •  How you found waiting times when contacting us by telephone.
  • We also wanted to know about you, so we can better understand our customer base and ensure we are reaching all our residents. We asked, aged, ethnicity and where in Trafford you reside.

You said

  • Surprisingly over 45%  of respondents told us they had tried to find information on the website before contacting Access Trafford via email and telephone.
  • 75% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that our Customer Service advisors were able to resolve their query over the phone.
  • 79% rated the Customer Service Advisors professionalism either excellent or very good
  • 83% rated the Customer Service Advisors willingness to help as either excellent or very good.
  • 73% thought that the advisors ability to resolve the query was either excellent or very good.
  •  80% of respondents agreed, or strongly agreed that calls were answered in a satisfactory time period.

We did

As over 45% of respondents had tried to use the Council website before contacting  Access Trafford. We analysed the comments received to work on improving the Council Website.  Comments mentioned out of date information, difficulties making online payments and navigation of the website.  The information from our survey was discussed with the Web Team who working on improving the content and accessibility.

The Access Trafford Contact Centre does not deal with waste or highway issues, this is a One Trafford Service that is provided by Amey on behalf of the Council. The information regarding bin pages on the website and ordering  green waste bags has been passed to One Trafford.  Improvements have been made to the website content and processes to improve the customer experience.

The  next  Access Trafford customer survey will be winter 2021.