255 results
Trafford Council Allotment rental fee consultation
Introduction Trafford Council fulfils its statutory duty to provide allotments through the provision of 35 allotment sites, providing almost 1500 full size plots across the Borough. The Council engaged with allotment tenants and other stakeholders in Summer 2024 to inform the development of the Council’s Allotment Strategy. Having concluded that engagement, the Council undertook a rental charge review in Autumn 2024 and is now proposing an increase to the current rental... MoreClosed 14 January 2025 -
Reducing Parental Conflict
Trafford council are gathering the views of parent / carers , practitioners and partners to understand their level of knowledge around parental conflict, and identify the need for support within the community. We would appreciate your views which will help to shape a community led pilot programme of delivery within Partington. Your views will be treated anonymously, unless you would like to be involved in supporting the pilot. Thank you for your support. MoreClosed 7 January 2025 -
Starting Primary School: Transition Questionnaire
Questions for Parents of children with SEND who had a child starting School (Reception) in September 24 Starting school is a special moment for families and is a big change for a young child. Planning this transition increases the likelihood of a positive start to school for all children but especially for children with SEND. Trafford have produced Transition Guidance for Schools and Settings and the Early Years SENAS Team have made transition into school a... MoreClosed 6 January 2025 -
Reducing Parental Conflict lunch and learn
Trafford's Reducing Parental Coordinator is hosting 4 lunch and learn sessions over April and May 2024 to introduce new digital resources which have been purchased to help support families in conflict. These sessions are designed to provide those attending with knowledge and an understanding of the resource content so they are confident to signpost families to use them. MoreClosed 31 December 2024 -
Planning Application Validation Checklist
National Planning Practice Guidance advises that Local Planning Authorities may request supporting information to accompany a planning application. These requirements should be specified on a formally adopted “local list” which has been published on its website less than two years before the application is submitted. The Council is consulting on the latest draft Validation Checklist which would update the current list adopted in July 2023. This draft Validation Checklist... MoreClosed 23 December 2024 -
Garden Waste Subscription Consultation
In the last 15 years, the Council has experience more than £300m in cuts to our revenue. Meanwhile, the demand for our essential services has increased, especially during the cost of living crisis. The Council has been recognised as an efficient local authority but is one of the lowest-funded Councils in the country and is lobbying the government for fairer funding. For 2025/26 however, the Council is facing a budget gap of £25m and is therefore... MoreClosed 18 December 2024 -
High needs provision capital allocation (HNPCA) consultation and bidding round 2024
The Department for Education (DfE) has announced local authority funding to support the provision of new places for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and those requiring alternative provision. This is collectively referred to as high needs provision. Funding was provided for 2022-24 through the High Needs Provision Capital Allocation (HNPCA). Trafford Council’s allocation of this funding was: 2022/23 – £4,728,995 2023/24... MoreClosed 16 December 2024 -
Help us to help you – Trafford Cultural Education Partnership
The Trafford Cultural Education Partnership is newly launched, with the ambition to increase the access to arts and culture for all children and young people across Trafford. The partnership is co-chaired by Caroline Gleaves, Gorse Hill Studios, and Ruth O’Keefe, Trafford Music Service. Please help us to help you increase access to arts and culture, by completing the questionnaire by 14 December 2024. Your insights will help guide next steps for the partnership. If you... MoreClosed 14 December 2024 -
Flixton Community Streets Trial Survey
The purpose of the Flixton Community Streets is to create quieter, calmer residential areas where everyone feels safe on the streets. Neighbourhoods that are quieter and calmer improve safety and the quality of life for all. The aim of this survey is to listen and involve the community of Flixton to develop the best possible solutions in achieving this vision. Trial Post the Phase 1 Flixton consultation in 2023, additional interventions, such as the junction at Irlam... MoreClosed 6 December 2024 -
Council Tax Support 2025/26 Consultation
Each year Trafford Council must decide whether to change the Council Tax Support scheme for working age applicants in its area. There are no changes to Pension Age applicants as they are part of the national scheme set by Central Government. The Council is legally required to consult on any proposed changes to the scheme and we’re asking you to take part in this consultation to find out what you think about the proposed changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme, which would... MoreClosed 19 November 2024 -
Dads Group
At Trafford Council we are gathering information about support for families in the area. As part of this we would like to understand more about the needs of dads. We are seeking feedback from dads to establish the demand and type of support required in Trafford. MoreClosed 15 November 2024 -
Current and Future VCFSE Infrastructure Support
Trafford has a strong, committed and resourceful Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector built over many years. The sector supports communities and helps them to thrive, often supporting the most vulnerable in our society. It is critical to the success of the borough. Trafford’s new Corporate Plan, Our Trafford Our Future 2024-27, outlines how we as a Council, want to work together to develop a strong, dynamic and diverse sector as a key partner. To help do this,... MoreClosed 1 November 2024 -
Triple P Fear-less Feedback Check In
Following your registration for the Triple P Fear-less online programme, we would like to gather your thoughts and feedback as to whether you have found the programme useful or not. We would be really grateful if you could complete this short survey to help us understand what is working well and what could be improved, your voice is important in helping shape the services and support here in Trafford. MoreClosed 31 October 2024 -
Short Break Provider Forum Sept 2024
Thank you for attending the Short Break Provider Forum held in Trafford on Wednesday 25th September. Please can you take a few minutes to complete the survey so commissioning colleagues can get your feedback on the session and plan for future events. MoreClosed 25 October 2024 -
Short Break Provider Forum
Thank you for attending the Short Break Provider Forum held in Trafford on Wednesday 25th September. Please can you take a few minutes to complete the survey so commissioning colleagues can get your feedback on the session and plan for future events. MoreClosed 25 October 2024 -
Housing Strategy 2025-2030 Consultation
At Trafford Council, we know that housing plays a pivotal role in economic growth and thriving communities, and understand that having the right home can have a big impact on our residents' quality of life. With that in mind, we have developed the Draft Housing Strategy 2025-2030. The aim of the Draft Housing Strategy is to deliver an integrated approach to overcome both local and national housing challenges within the borough, with a focus on ensuring that all Trafford residents can... MoreClosed 14 October 2024 -
Social Prescribing - Recording Systems Feedback
You do not need to use Elemental in your service to respond to this survey. Please still respond regardless of what system you're using. Several recording systems are used across Social Prescribing to capture case notes, make referrals, and record outcomes. Many services use Elemental, however, funding for Elemental will end in March 2025 and there is not currently a contingency plan. We are gathering feedback about professional's experiences of the recording systems they use.... MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
Flixton Community Streets Trial - Pre-Survey Registration Form
The idea behind the Flixton Community Streets trial is to make roads safer and more pleasant for all road users, including motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users. We want to make the air cleaner and encourage residents to cycle, walk or wheel where possible, and we hope this scheme will help with that. To view the proposals in more detail and to find any future updates please visit Active Travel schemes where you will find information on the trial proposal as... MoreClosed 27 September 2024 -
Scoping delivery plan content
We are developing a Trafford Mental Health and Wellbeing delivery plan that will describe the breadth of work being undertaken to improve population mental health and wellbeing outcomes, set out our shared objectives across the system (including VCFSE, local authority, NHS ICB, primary care, commissioned providers) and start to identify the measures by which we will monitor progress against our objectives. In order to scope content for the delivery plan we have devised this... MoreClosed 13 September 2024 -
Gambling Policy 2025
Trafford Council is currently reviewing its gambling policy, with the intention that any amended policy will become effective on 31st January 2025. The Council is consulting a range of bodies as part of this process including those that represent residents, local businesses, premises licence holders and other interested parties in the Trafford area. In Summer 2023 the Gambling Commission published a consultation document on proposed changes to... MoreClosed 16 August 2024 -
Street Collections Policy 2024
Street collections provide bona fide charities with an opportunity to gain income from the generosity of the general public through cash donations and have been a major source of fundraising activity for over 100 years. Section 5 of the Police, Factories & c. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916, as amended, if adopted by a local authority, enables a local authority to regulate street collections through the making of regulations and by the issue of permits. ... MoreClosed 16 August 2024 -
Allotment Strategy Engagement
Trafford Council are keen to engage with stakeholders in the development of an allotment strategy. A Trafford Allotment Strategy will provide the Borough with a clear plan, supported by stakeholders, that enables a sustainably funded service, meets statutory obligations and supports the Council’s wider priorities. Trafford Council will do this by creating a clear and focused vision, strategic objectives, and deliverable actions. MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
Trafford Mental Health and Suicide Training Needs - 5 minute survey
Every year in Trafford, on average, 15 people die by suicide. Every death is a tragic loss to life that impacts family, friends and colleagues. As part of our suicide prevention strategy, w e are committed to making Trafford a place where suicide prevention is everyone’s business and where people should not feel like suicide is their only option. Two key priorities of the Suicide Prevention Partnership Board are to ensure our workforce and residents feel confident and... MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
Safe Space
A number of months have passed since you completed the Safe Space training, and Trafford Council and Partners are keen to find out whether you have been able to successfully apply the knowlegde, skills and tools you learnt to your role, and how effective that has been with both children and young people and parent / carers. We would like to know any facilitators and barriers to successfully supporting families using the Safe Space toolkit and whether as a result you have seen any... MoreClosed 31 July 2024 -
Trafford SEND survey 2024
Trafford Commissioning are in the process of developing a commissioning strategy for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities aged 0 - 25 in Trafford. The voices of children and young people are paramount to the work we do and we welcome them to complete this short questionnaire to offer their feedback and views to shape services in Trafford moving forward. For those children and young people unable to complete themselves we welcome... MoreClosed 31 July 2024 -
Altrincham College Significant Change Proposal
Trafford Council are hosting this consultation on behalf of South Manchester Learning Trust. This consultation is part of the process for making a significant change to an academy and it is separate to the planning consultation process. If you would like to instead respond to the planning consultation, or find out more detail about the project proposed, please search for planning application reference 113464/FUL/24 in the planning portal . Trafford... MoreClosed 8 July 2024 -
Capturing the voice of young people - schools
It’s important that all children and young people in Trafford get the opportunity to have a say in the things that matter to them. Therefore, we are asking all schools to complete a short survey, so we can find out how you are capturing the voice of pupils, in particular those with SEND, and what’s working and what isn’t. MoreClosed 30 June 2024 -
St Hugh of Lincoln School Street Consultation
What is a School Street? The purpose of a School Street is to create a safer and healthier environment outside the school gates by reducing road danger, improving air quality and encouraging active travel. When the school street is operational at the start and end of the school day, the road becomes a temporary walking, wheeling and cycling zone. Access would still be maintained for residents and businesses whose... MoreClosed 24 June 2024 -
Social Prescribing Working Group
Currently there is ongoing work to try and improve social prescribing in Trafford. A working group has been organised which meeting for the second time on Thursday 23rd of May. This meeting focused on discussing two topics: 1. Defining the social prescribing in Trafford 2. Where do we want to see Social Prescribing in Trafford in 4-5 years? This survey is to capture the opinions and views of those present and not present at the meeting (especially those holding... MoreClosed 21 June 2024 -
Cancer Awareness
This is a short 10 minute survey around your access to the NHS, your knowledge about lung cancer and screening for cancer (testing for cancer when you have no symptoms). Any data collected will be completely anonymous and the information will help Public Health Trafford to reduce cancer mortality in Partington. MoreClosed 13 June 2024
255 results.
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