Altrincham College Expansion Proposal Consultation

Closed 22 Mar 2024

Opened 7 Mar 2024

Results updated 14 Jun 2024

Altrincham College Expansion Consultation Comments and Responses

On Thursday 7th March 2024 stakeholders were invited to a consultation event at the school. They were shown proposed plans and invited to comment, the same plans were then available to view online via the Council’s Citizen Space Consultation Hub and the online consultation continued until 22nd March 2024.

Please find the repsonses to the consultation below. 


The scheme has now been submitted to the Planning department. Planning Application Ref: 113464/FUL/24

A summary of the consultation comments have been submitted to the Planning department within the design & access statement.

To respond to the formal planning application please follow the link:

Simple Search (

Comment on a planning application (




Trafford Council has a duty to provide school places for every child resident within the borough. This duty has been met by expanding a number of primary schools across the borough to meet local demand with Altrincham and Sale experiencing the greatest demand within Trafford.

As this demand moves through into the secondary sector, Trafford Council and Altrincham College are working together to create local places for families, therefore, Altrincham College, part of South Manchester Learning Trust, is now publishing a proposal for the physical expansion of Altrincham College to increase by 300 places, moving the admission number from 175 students on entry to Year 7, to 235 students on entry from September 2026. This will then increase over five years by 60 students each year in Year 7.

The proposed expansion at Altrincham College includes additional teaching spaces in various subject areas, a larger kitchen and dining facility, along with the reconfiguration of some internal spaces and additional staff car parking.

This is an exciting time, not only for Altrincham College, but for the wider community we serve. It will enable us to add to and improve the existing facilities and offer an outstanding education to more families in our local area.

The Council, together with the School, South Manchester Learning Trust and the Governing Body, held an informal consultation for all stakeholders at school on Thursday 7th March. The informal consultation now continues online.

You are invited to comment on the proposed plans tabled at the consultation. Comments should be submitted by Friday 22nd March 2024.

Comments will be collated and anonymised and used to inform the design, planning and the statutory “Making signification changes to an academy” process.


The Proposal

The proposed expansion of Altrincham College looks to demolish the current Maths Block and replace it with a stepped 3 storey block which will contain additional classrooms the music rooms as well as staff offices, workrooms and associated toilets.

The proposals also look to significantly remodel the technology block in order to provide the following specialist spaces under one roof – Design and Technology, Food Technology, Art, changing rooms and associated toilets.

A small extension is proposed to create a larger kitchen and dining area to the main block as well as internal remodelling and relocation of some subject areas to provide more science labs.

Externally it is proposed to increase the staff car park by 25 spaces and improve the adjacent park in terms of drainage and levels so that another football pitch can be accommodated.

The below plans tabled at the consultation will help to illustrate the proposals.

The next step is to go out to procurement to secure a contractor, who will work with Lancaster Maloney Martin on the construction plan. There will be a requirement to install temporary classrooms whilst the Maths block is replaced, but the Contractor will work with the school to minimise disruption and safeguard all students, staff and visitors to the school during the construction period.


Proposed Timeline

Invitation to view plans                                                           March 2024

Proposed planning application submission                            Spring 2024

Start of construction (subject to planning approval)               Summer 2024

Completion of construction works                                          Autumn 2025


Proposed Plans

Please click below to view each of the following plans;

Board 1 – Site plan with proposed new block

This board gives some context to the location of Altrincham College and the new block within the site.

Board 2 – New block floor layout plan

This board describes the classroom adjacencies for the ground, first and second floors of the new block and shows a 3D view of the back of the block from the sports hall.

Board 3 – New block 3D views

This board shows how the floors sit above each other and offers views of the new internal spaces.

Plan 1 – Existing site plan

Shows the site in context with the surrounding houses.

Plan 2 – Proposed site plan

Block plan of the site showing new 3 storey block within the contractors compound, proposed contractor access route and potential location of temporary classrooms.

Plan 3 – Proposed layout plans of new block

This plan shows the proposed layout of rooms on the ground, first and second floors.

Plan 4 - Proposed 3D plan of new block

This plan shows the front of the new block from Green Lane.

Plan 5 – Dining Hall existing and proposed plans

This plan shows the small extension and re-modelling of the Dining Block to extend the dining space and kitchen.

Plan 6 – Science Block existing and proposed layout plans

This plan shows internal re-modelling works to the Science Block to create 7 Science Labs.

Plan 7 – Technology Block existing and proposed plans

This plan shows extensive internal re-modelling works to the Technology Block to locate Design Technology, Food Technology and Art in one block.

If you would like to express your views on the plans, please complete the following questionnaire or email  Alternatively, you can write to Schools’ Capital Projects Team, Trafford Council, Waterside House, Sale M33 7ZF. Comments should be submitted by 22nd March 2024.

Comments will be collated and anonymised and used to inform the design, planning and the statutory “Making signification changes to an academy” process. Responses to anonymised feedback will be made available via the Council website.

There will be another opportunity to formally comment on the proposed plans when they are submitted via the planning portal.