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269 results

  • Code of Conduct for Busking (Altrincham)

    Code of Conduct for Busking (Altrincham) This consultation invites responses from residents, businesses, performers and other interested parties on a proposal to introduce a ‘code of conduct’ in relation to busking/street performances in public spaces. The aim is to balance to the interests of all parties, recognising that many people enjoy the music and performances in the town, whilst businesses need to be able to operate without what they may experience as... More
    Closed 6 April 2021
  • Teen Triple P Online Course

    At the beginning of 2020, the early help commissioning team purchased 100 codes permitting Trafford families to access the Teen Triple P online parenting course (, and with your help we have been distributing these codes to Trafford parent/carers since September 2020. The intention of this survey is to gather feedback on your thoughts and impressions around the course, as well as the impact for families who have acccesed it. The survey is made... More
    Closed 5 April 2021
  • North Area Panel

    Thank you for attending the North Area Panel at Stretford Mall. We would really appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to give us some feedback on your experience. More
    Closed 31 March 2021
  • Integrated Assessment of the Draft Local Plan

    Trafford Council is consulting on the draft Integrated Assessment (IA) Report which accompanies the draft Trafford Local Plan. This assessment considers the potential social, economic and environmental effects of the plan. The IA identifies the type, nature and extent of these potential effects and how the draft Trafford Local Plan can address them. Comments are invited from 4 February 2021 until 18 March 2021 when the consultation will close. Integrated... More
    Closed 18 March 2021
  • Draft Trafford Local Plan (Regulation 18)

    Trafford Council invites you to make representations in regard of the content and policies of the draft Trafford Local Plan. Once adopted, the Local Plan will become the main land use planning document for Trafford, and form part of the overall Development Plan. Planning law requires that applications for planning permission be determined in accordance with the Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Local Plan will provide... More
    Closed 18 March 2021
  • Civic Quarter AAP Consultation Questionnaire

    The following questionnaire is based on the soundness of the Regulation 19 Civic Quarter Area Action Plan. Please find the Area Action Plan along with supporting documents here: Privacy and data protection: All comments will be held by the Council and will be available to view publicly. Comments cannot be treated as confidential and we cannot register your comments without your details. Your personal information such as your postal... More
    Closed 5 March 2021
  • Access Trafford Contact Centre Customer Survey 2021

    The Access Trafford Contact Centre is continuously looking at ways to improve the service we currently provide. Your feedback is really important and will help us shape our service to ensure we are meeting the needs of all our residents now and in the future. More
    Closed 2 March 2021
  • Amalgamation of Stamford Park Infant and Junior Schools

    We have undertaken informal consultation on a proposal to amalgamate Stamford Park Infant and Junior Schools to form a single primary school within the existing school buildings from 12 April 2021. Amalgamation is the joining of two schools into one, with a single governing body and head teacher, in this case achieved through the “closure” of the Infant School and the simultaneous expansion of the age range of the Junior School to form a single age 3 to 11 primary school with a... More
    Closed 25 February 2021
  • Therapy and SENAS Joint sensory webinar

    We would like to have your views about the sensory webinar for schools on Thursday 21st January 2021 More
    Closed 9 February 2021
  • Lostock SSC consultation: pupils

    Please can you help to make your HUB even better? More
    Closed 8 February 2021
  • Foster Carers survey 2020

    Your chance to tell us what we do well and what we can do better. More
    Closed 7 February 2021
  • Holiday Food Voucher Scheme

    The current holiday voucher scheme is in place for the Christmas holidays. We want to hear from you as to how to run the scheme in the February holidays and beyond if further funding is provided. It is important that you let us know your thoughts to shape future school holiday support. Thank you for your time. More
    Closed 1 February 2021
  • Home to school transport consultation 2021-22

    Our All Age Travel Assistance Policy describes the availability of transport and travel assistance for children, young people and vulnerable adults who live in Trafford and we review it every year. There is one proposed change for the 2021-22 policy which relates to home to school transport. We have to provide travel assistance to eligible children who meet the national criteria and who attend their nearest qualifying school. The national eligibility criteria takes into... More
    Closed 10 January 2021
  • Lostock SSC consultation: Team around the HUB

    Please could you let us know about the suport you offer Lostock SSC and how this may have changed. More
    Closed 23 December 2020
  • Lostock SSC consultation: parents

    PLease could you share your views aout the Hub at Lostok? More
    Closed 22 December 2020
  • Stamford Park Schools amalgamation consultation October 2020

    The proposal is to amalgamate Stamford Park Infant and Junior Schools. It is proposed this will be achieved by closing Stamford Park Infant School and simultaneously extending the age range at Stamford Park Junior School from the current 7 to 11 years, to 3 to 11 years. The reason this method of amalgamation is being proposed is because from January 2021 there is a vacancy in the headship of Stamford Park Infant School. When a Headteacher position at either an... More
    Closed 20 December 2020
  • Contraception Services in Greater Manchester Survey

    We want to understand the contraception needs of our residents. Some people may not be able to access the contraception services they need. Filling in this survey will help us to decide how to improve our services and will help to shape what services look like in the future to make sure they meet the needs of our residents. More
    Closed 14 December 2020
  • Public Budget Consultation 2020/21

    This draft budget is the most difficult we have ever had to produce due to the unprecedented times we are currently living in. The effects of the coronavirus have been enormous, for us as individuals, on our family and our friends, on our communities and on the whole of our borough. As a Council, we have done all we can to help support everyone through this crisis. This has involved: Working with partners to set up our community... More
    Closed 7 December 2020
  • Children's Commissioning Team Meetings

    In order to restart regular team meetings for the children's commissioning team we would like to collect people's views on when to hold these, along with what topics people would like to hear about, so this survey is for members of the team to share their thoughts! More
    Closed 4 December 2020
  • LD Strategy - Partner

    We are currently consulting a wide range of stakeholders ahead of publishing our Learning Disability Strategy. We would like your thoughts on priorities and where you believe joint work would assist delivery. More
    Closed 4 December 2020
  • Hackney Carriage and Private Licensing Policy 2021 - 2026

    The Council is the authority responsible for setting standards and overseeing compliance with the hackney carriage and private hire licensing regulations. The over-riding consideration for the Council is that of public safety. This consultation outlines a set of proposed standards and procedures to be used by the Council to process and determine applications for driver, vehicle and operator licences in Trafford. The proposed licensing standards are based on... More
    Closed 3 December 2020
  • Meet The Buyer Feedback

    Thank you for joining us at our first virtual 2020 Meet the Buyer week. More
    Closed 2 December 2020
  • Wellbeing for Education Return Training

    Trafford’s Education and Health Colleagues are looking for ways to support Wellbeing for Education Return through training and development activities for schools. So that we can target training at your needs we would value your input to a few quick questions and your name for follow-up purposes. More
    Closed 27 November 2020
  • Care leavers annual survey 2020

    This is your chance to tell us what you think about the support you get from Trafford’s aftercare team. We will use the information you give us to make the service better for you.This is your chance to tell us what you think about the support you get from Trafford’s aftercare team. We will use the information you give us to make the service better for you. More
    Closed 10 November 2020
  • Alley gate public spaces protection order (PSPO) review 2020

    Alley gates have been installed in some areas to help prevent crime and anti-social behaviour. These gates were installed under Gating Orders or Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs). These orders are now due for review and we would like you views as to whether they should be extended or not. View all orders up for review Please complete this form to let us know if you wish the PSPO on the alley gate in your area to continue, or if you... More
    Closed 18 October 2020
  • Consultation on SENAS and Trafford Therapy Webinars

    The SEN Advisory Service and Trafford Children's Therapy Service have delivered a number of well-received training sessions together for staff in schools in the past. In the current situation, in-person training bringing colleagues together physically is not possible: we are looking to find different ways to continue to support you, and believe that on-line training offer could be part of this. We would like to find out the subjects schools would like to be offered as webinars, so we can... More
    Closed 12 October 2020
  • Civic Quarter Area Action Plan - Viability Assessment

    Trafford Council held a live event regarding the methodology of the viability assessment for the Civic Quarter Area Action Plan. Following the event, we welcome any feedback or comments on the methodology via the online survey below or to the following email address . Please provide your name, address and if applicable the name of your company or organisation. Data Protection We will treat your data in accordance with our Privacy... More
    Closed 29 September 2020
  • Extension of an Alcohol Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in Trafford

    Trafford is consulting about the proposed extension of an Alcohol Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in Trafford Trafford Council is proposing to extend the Alcohol Public Spaces Protection Order for three years when the current order expires in October under the Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 to prevent or reduce alcohol related anti-social behaviour. The aim of the order if made would be to prohibit the consumption of alcohol across the... More
    Closed 18 September 2020
  • Review of Trafford's Licensing Policy 2021-2026

    Trafford Council is currently reviewing its licensing policy, with the intention that any amended policy will become effective on 7 th January 2021. The Council is consulting a range of bodies as part of this process including those that represent residents, local businesses, premises licence holders and other interested parties in the Trafford area. The Draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-2026 is now available (see attached link below) and we welcome your... More
    Closed 18 September 2020
  • Community Response Hubs Survey

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Trafford Partnership worked together to support people in their community with crisis aid such as food and fuel, by bringing together trusted agencies in a number of neighbourhoods including Age UK, The Hideaway, The Hub in Altrincham, St John’s, Stretford Public Hall and Our Sale West. A wider number of partner agencies contributed to this effort and the project was dependent on a large number of community volunteers giving their time... More
    Closed 4 September 2020
269 results. Page 8 of 9