Trafford Design Guide
Trafford is a highly desirable place to live. It has excellent schools, great connectivity and a wide range of homes to choose from. Its parks and green spaces provide relief from the urban environment and opportunities for fresh air and improving wellbeing.
Locally distinctive buildings, mainly in red brick, give a sense and understanding of place. Town and village centres draw in residents and visitors in both the daytime and the evening.
Trafford has much to commend it and this Design Guide seeks to take the best of Trafford, and use that to underpin a set of design principles and guidelines to ensure that future development continues to offer distinctive, innovative and high quality placemaking which can be enjoyed for generations to come.
The consultation draft provides clear guidance for developers, architects, planning officers and Planning Committee members for all development projects, from small and large-scale residential projects to commercial schemes. It would be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document. We are now seeking your views on this draft document.
As well as this online consultation, face-to-face consultation events will take place in Partington, Altrincham, Urmston, Sale, Old Trafford and Stretford between Saturday 2 July and Saturday 16 July, which will also be used as a visioning exercise for a future Design Code.
Please help us ensure that this Design Guide reflects the right principles and guidelines by completing this survey. A copy of the guide is available and relevant sections are also available to view within the consultation.
What happens next
Once this consultation has concluded, any representations will be considered and taken into account in producing an amended Trafford Design Guide for adoption in autumn 2022.
The visioning feedback from the consultation events will inform the development of the draft Trafford Design Code. Further public consultation will take place on the Trafford Design Code throughout autumn 2022 and spring 2023, with adoption expected in July 2023.
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