269 results
Social Prescribing - Recording Systems Feedback
You do not need to use Elemental in your service to respond to this survey. Please still respond regardless of what system you're using. Several recording systems are used across Social Prescribing to capture case notes, make referrals, and record outcomes. Many services use Elemental, however, funding for Elemental will end in March 2025 and there is not currently a contingency plan. We are gathering feedback about professional's experiences of the recording systems they use.... MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
Flixton Community Streets Trial - Pre-Survey Registration Form
The idea behind the Flixton Community Streets trial is to make roads safer and more pleasant for all road users, including motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users. We want to make the air cleaner and encourage residents to cycle, walk or wheel where possible, and we hope this scheme will help with that. To view the proposals in more detail and to find any future updates please visit Active Travel schemes where you will find information on the trial proposal as... MoreClosed 27 September 2024 -
Scoping delivery plan content
We are developing a Trafford Mental Health and Wellbeing delivery plan that will describe the breadth of work being undertaken to improve population mental health and wellbeing outcomes, set out our shared objectives across the system (including VCFSE, local authority, NHS ICB, primary care, commissioned providers) and start to identify the measures by which we will monitor progress against our objectives. In order to scope content for the delivery plan we have devised this... MoreClosed 13 September 2024 -
Gambling Policy 2025
Trafford Council is currently reviewing its gambling policy, with the intention that any amended policy will become effective on 31st January 2025. The Council is consulting a range of bodies as part of this process including those that represent residents, local businesses, premises licence holders and other interested parties in the Trafford area. In Summer 2023 the Gambling Commission published a consultation document on proposed changes to... MoreClosed 16 August 2024 -
Street Collections Policy 2024
Street collections provide bona fide charities with an opportunity to gain income from the generosity of the general public through cash donations and have been a major source of fundraising activity for over 100 years. Section 5 of the Police, Factories & c. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916, as amended, if adopted by a local authority, enables a local authority to regulate street collections through the making of regulations and by the issue of permits. ... MoreClosed 16 August 2024 -
Allotment Strategy Engagement
Trafford Council are keen to engage with stakeholders in the development of an allotment strategy. A Trafford Allotment Strategy will provide the Borough with a clear plan, supported by stakeholders, that enables a sustainably funded service, meets statutory obligations and supports the Council’s wider priorities. Trafford Council will do this by creating a clear and focused vision, strategic objectives, and deliverable actions. MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
Trafford Mental Health and Suicide Training Needs - 5 minute survey
Every year in Trafford, on average, 15 people die by suicide. Every death is a tragic loss to life that impacts family, friends and colleagues. As part of our suicide prevention strategy, w e are committed to making Trafford a place where suicide prevention is everyone’s business and where people should not feel like suicide is their only option. Two key priorities of the Suicide Prevention Partnership Board are to ensure our workforce and residents feel confident and... MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
Safe Space
A number of months have passed since you completed the Safe Space training, and Trafford Council and Partners are keen to find out whether you have been able to successfully apply the knowlegde, skills and tools you learnt to your role, and how effective that has been with both children and young people and parent / carers. We would like to know any facilitators and barriers to successfully supporting families using the Safe Space toolkit and whether as a result you have seen any... MoreClosed 31 July 2024 -
Trafford SEND survey 2024
Trafford Commissioning are in the process of developing a commissioning strategy for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities aged 0 - 25 in Trafford. The voices of children and young people are paramount to the work we do and we welcome them to complete this short questionnaire to offer their feedback and views to shape services in Trafford moving forward. For those children and young people unable to complete themselves we welcome... MoreClosed 31 July 2024 -
Altrincham College Significant Change Proposal
Trafford Council are hosting this consultation on behalf of South Manchester Learning Trust. This consultation is part of the process for making a significant change to an academy and it is separate to the planning consultation process. If you would like to instead respond to the planning consultation, or find out more detail about the project proposed, please search for planning application reference 113464/FUL/24 in the planning portal . Trafford... MoreClosed 8 July 2024 -
Capturing the voice of young people - schools
It’s important that all children and young people in Trafford get the opportunity to have a say in the things that matter to them. Therefore, we are asking all schools to complete a short survey, so we can find out how you are capturing the voice of pupils, in particular those with SEND, and what’s working and what isn’t. MoreClosed 30 June 2024 -
St Hugh of Lincoln School Street Consultation
What is a School Street? The purpose of a School Street is to create a safer and healthier environment outside the school gates by reducing road danger, improving air quality and encouraging active travel. When the school street is operational at the start and end of the school day, the road becomes a temporary walking, wheeling and cycling zone. Access would still be maintained for residents and businesses whose... MoreClosed 24 June 2024 -
Social Prescribing Working Group
Currently there is ongoing work to try and improve social prescribing in Trafford. A working group has been organised which meeting for the second time on Thursday 23rd of May. This meeting focused on discussing two topics: 1. Defining the social prescribing in Trafford 2. Where do we want to see Social Prescribing in Trafford in 4-5 years? This survey is to capture the opinions and views of those present and not present at the meeting (especially those holding... MoreClosed 21 June 2024 -
Cancer Awareness
This is a short 10 minute survey around your access to the NHS, your knowledge about lung cancer and screening for cancer (testing for cancer when you have no symptoms). Any data collected will be completely anonymous and the information will help Public Health Trafford to reduce cancer mortality in Partington. MoreClosed 13 June 2024 -
Trafford Corporate Plan Re-fresh
Our Corporate Plan sets out how we, as your Council, will serve you – our residents, businesses and communities. Our current plan was launched in 2021 and was designed to deal with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s now time to update it so that we can focus on the new challenges and opportunities we face in Trafford. As we look forward to the next three years, we would like to share our new plan with you and find out what you think about it. It will have five... MoreClosed 12 June 2024 -
Urmston Plan
At Trafford Council we recognise that our four main town centres, Altrincham, Sale, Stretford, and Urmston are crucial components to the economic, environmental, and social wellbeing of everyone in the borough. Each town centre provides a unique but complementary offer, where our residents and visitors can easily access a range of facilities and services; and businesses can grow and reach their full potential. To help ensure Urmston continues to thrive over the coming... MoreClosed 2 June 2024 -
Schools Wraparound Survey - February 24
To support families with primary aged children who need access to paid for wraparound childcare from 8am to 6pm, the government has announced a national wraparound programme. Parents should expect to see an expansion in the availability of wraparound childcare from September 2024. By 2026, all parents and carers of primary school-aged children who need it, will be able to access term time childcare that parents pay for in their local area from 8am – 6pm. ... MoreClosed 10 May 2024 -
Starting Strong
Thank you for attending the Starting Strong workshops. We hope you find them useful and that they give you tools and confidence to support your child and your family. This survey allows us to gather some feedback from the sessions, what worked well, what not so well and any other comments you would like to add. We really do appreciate your time and feedback. MoreClosed 2 May 2024 -
I'm a parent
Trafford Council have commissioned Altrincham Counselling and Family Centre to deliver 2 parenting courses, I'm a Parent Get Me Out of Here and Starting Strong. Both are 6 week courses delivered either face to face or virtually. I'm a parent supports parent / carers of children aged 11 years and above helping them to understand some of the challenges associated with parenting. Starting Strong is aimed at parent / carers with children aged 5 years and above with emerging special... MoreClosed 30 April 2024 -
Draft Trafford Design Code - Viability Assessment Consultation
Following a successful series of consultation events on the draft Trafford Design Code, work on the Design Code continues to progress. As part of the ongoing work to deliver the Design Code, an independent Viability Assessment has been commissioned to review of the effects of the Trafford Design Code on residential development in Trafford. This report tests the ability of residential development in Trafford to viably comply with the new Design Code. The report accounts... MoreClosed 19 April 2024 -
Trafford Wharfside Framework Consultation
The Council’s draft Trafford Wharfside Framework offers a vision for the Trafford Wharfside area as a key emerging neighbourhood over the next 15 years. The Trafford Wharfside Development Framework has been prepared by the Council in discussion with major landowning partners including Peel , Manchester United and Salford City Council. The Framework has identified a number of potential development sites and will be used to set an overall strategy to guide future, well designed... MoreClosed 19 April 2024 -
Trafford Wharfside Masterplan Consultation
A draft Framework has been produced in partnership with key stakeholders to set the overall vision for the Wharfside area and to guide future development, focusing on how the area should operate as an attractive and sustainable place. This Masterplan fills a gap identified in the Trafford Design Code baseline information for the Trafford Wharfside area. Whereas the Development Framework sets out the broad scope of the ‘what’ and ‘where’, including public realm and... MoreClosed 18 April 2024 -
What do you want in your local park?
Trafford has a rich history and heritage of parks and green spaces that provides a stage for a wide range of events and activities which both reflect and define the local culture. We are working to improve and tailor the activities and events that take place in parks, and we would like to hear what you would like to happen in parks. MoreClosed 28 March 2024 -
Altrincham College Expansion Proposal Consultation
Overview Trafford Council has a duty to provide school places for every child resident within the borough. This duty has been met by expanding a number of primary schools across the borough to meet local demand with Altrincham and Sale experiencing the greatest demand within Trafford. As this demand moves through into the secondary sector, Trafford Council and... MoreClosed 22 March 2024 -
PVI Providers Wraparound Survey - February 24
To support families with primary aged children who need access to paid for wraparound childcare from 8am to 6pm, the government has announced a national wraparound programme. Parents should expect to see an expansion in the availability of wraparound childcare from September 2024. By 2026, all parents and carers of primary school-aged children who need it, will be able to access term time childcare that parents pay for in their local area from 8am – 6pm. ... MoreClosed 18 March 2024 -
Parent Carer Wraparound Survey - February 24
The Local Authority (LA) has a statutory duty to ensure that there are sufficient wraparound childcare places in Trafford for all parents and carers who want to access it. In the Spring Budget in March of last year, the government announced an investment of £289 million over two academic years for a national wraparound programme. This is to support families with primary aged children who need access to paid for wraparound childcare from 8am to 6pm. You may start to see an... MoreClosed 18 March 2024 -
Primary Care Alcohol Questionnaire
Trafford Council Public Health are reviewing the Alcohol Screening and Intervention Locally Enhanced Service (LES) with the aim to get insight into this Primary Care service. We ask if the following link can be shared with any clinician who screens or offers interventions for alcohol misuse. This forms part of a wider evaluation into effective alcohol support and intervention across Trafford. MoreClosed 11 March 2024 -
Trafford Assist Scheme
Trafford Council is facing financial challenges which means we have to save £53 million pounds over the next 3 years. Due to our financial position we have difficult decisions to make when allocating and prioritising public spending. We are committed to consulting and engaging with Trafford residents and other stakeholders to inform the way we work in the future and to assess any impact these decisions may have. Feedback we receive will be used to shape our... MoreClosed 7 March 2024 -
Exemptions from Increased Council Tax Premium on Unoccupied Property
This consultation seeks views on possible categories of dwellings which should be exceptions to the council tax premiums in Trafford. It covers the long-term empty homes premium, and also the second homes premium, provisions for which are included within the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023. Long-term empty homes are dwellings that have been unoccupied and substantially unfurnished for a defined period. As part of its policy of encouraging owners of empty... MoreClosed 3 March 2024 -
Tyntesfield School Street Consultation
What is a School Street? The purpose of a School Street is to create a safer, healthier and more pleasant environment outside the school gates by reducing danger to children from vehicles, improving air quality and encouraging active travel to school. When the school street is operational at the start and end of the school day, the road becomes a temporary walking, wheeling and cycling zone in line with the Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Strategy. ... MoreClosed 28 February 2024
269 results.
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