255 results
Altrincham Leisure Centre Consultation
In October 2018 Trafford Council Executive approved the leisure centre investment strategy as set out in the Executive Report. Part of the strategy included the procurement of a design and build contract for Altrincham Leisure Centre and a release of capital to develop the proposals to the planning application stage. MoreOpened 17 June 2019 -
Council Tax - Empty Homes Premium Consultation
Trafford Council wants to help bring empty homes back into use and wants to work with owners to help them achieve this. The government has granted new powers to increase council tax on homes that have been empty for a long period of time. Long term empty properties are those which have been empty for at least two years. Properties empty for less than two years are unaffected by the proposals in this consultation. The amount of the increase depends on whether the property has been empty... MoreOpened 26 July 2019 -
Altrincham Leisure Centre Non Users and Users
In October 2018 Trafford Council Executive approved the leisure centre investment strategy as set out in the Executive Report. Part of the strategy included the procurement of a design and build contract for Altrincham Leisure Centre and a release of capital to develop the proposals to the planning application stage. MoreOpened 29 July 2019 -
Early Help Service Offer Survey
Trafford Council buys in a set of services which support children, young people and families in Trafford and the purpose of this survey is to collect the views of Trafford parents on these services. As the current services are being reviewed with a view to re-designing the whole offer, it is vital that parents give their views on what works well and where improvements can be made. Please note, if you would like to access a document which gives an overview of the services mentioned in the... MoreOpened 1 August 2019 -
Strengths-Based Working in Trafford: Your Thoughts
As you will be aware, almost three years ago Trafford embarked on embedding a strengths-based, person centred approach in Adult Social Care. Spending time working with people and really listening to their needs helps build positive, sustainable relationships and resilience within our communities. This anonymous survey is your chance to tell us your thoughts and what you think about strengths-based working in Trafford. There is also an opportunity to win a prize! Submit a case... MoreOpened 2 September 2019 -
Trafford Empty Homes Strategy 2019-2024 Survey
Trafford Council is consulting upon a new Draft Empty Homes Strategy, which includes and reflects the changed position of the borough since the adoption of the previous Strategy. This consultation is open to everyone. Trafford Council are keen to hear from a wide range of interested parties and residents. The consultation will begin on 2.9.2019 and will run for a period of 4 weeks. All responses should be received by no later than 23.45 on 29.9.2019 MoreOpened 2 September 2019 -
Technology Enhanced Care Survey
Trafford Council commissions Trafford Housing Trust to deliver our telecare and technology enhanced care (TEC) service to local people. This includes a range of equipment, technology and devices which support people to be more independent and keep safe and well at home. We are working with Trafford Housing Trust to review our use of TEC solutions, with a view to developing a new offer for local people, which makes best use of new developments in TEC. MoreOpened 27 September 2019 -
Future of Stamford Park Schools
Trafford Council are proposing to discontinue Stamford Park Infant School and Stamford Park Junior School and to replace these two schools with a new build primary school. The existing schools provide 70 places in each year group and this would be increased to 90 places in each year group in the new school. It is proposed that the school will open in September 2021 and it is anticipated that the building would begin in summer 2020. For full details see our vision . You... MoreOpened 27 September 2019 -
Trafford Older People's Housing Strategy 2019-2024 Survey
Trafford Council is consulting upon a new Older People’s Housing Strategy, in order to deliver an integrated approach to the housing needs of older people in the borough. The aim of the Older People’s Housing Strategy is to improve the range and quantity of housing provision for older people and will contain an action plan and priorities for the Council. MoreOpened 14 October 2019 -
Physical Activity Referral Programme
Local GPs, and Trafford Leisure have an exercise referall scheme. This consultation has been designed to find out the views of local residents about the programme. MoreOpened 16 October 2019 -
Trafford Youth Sector Training Needs Questionnaire
In 2020 Greater Manchester Youth Network will be able to offer some free training to Trafford youth profesionals thanks to funding from Trafford Youth Trust and as such are keen to know what training Trafford youth professionals would like to access. MoreOpened 22 November 2019 -
Flixton Neighbourhood Area and Forum
Trafford Council has received an application from a residents group known as ''My Flixton Neighbourhood Planning Group'' for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area and the designation of a Neighbourhood Forum for Flixton. In accordance with Regulations 6 and 9 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Trafford Council invites you to make comments on the proposed boundary and constitution sought in the application. If designated, this boundary would represent the... MoreOpened 20 December 2019 -
North Area Panel
Thank you for attending the North Area Panel at Stretford Mall. We would really appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to give us some feedback on your experience. MoreOpened 2 January 2020 -
Support and communications over the festive period
Following the introduction this year of the ‘Home for Holidays’ scheme, we are keen to learn from the experience of providers about how you feel this has worked from your point of view, the people you have been supporting and anything you feel could be improved on. MoreOpened 13 January 2020 -
Hale Village Place Plan Draft Consultation
In July 2019, Trafford Council commissioned Nexus Planning to prepare a Village Place Plan for Hale District Centre. The Place Plan will look to provide a framework for future changes and any development opportunities to improve the vitality and sustainability of Hale in order to strengthen its performance as a village centre, improve Hale’s visual appearance, environmental performance, ensure good accessibility and safe movement in and around the centres. Consultation... MoreOpened 14 January 2020 -
Sale Moor Village Place Plan Draft Consultation
In July 2019, Trafford Council commissioned Nexus Planning to prepare a Village Place Plan for Sale Moor District Centre. The Place Plan will look to provide a framework for future changes and any development opportunities to improve the vitality and sustainability of Sale Moor in order to strengthen its performance as a village centre, improve Sale Moor's visual appearance, environmental performance, ensure good accessibility and safe movement in and around the centres. ... MoreOpened 14 January 2020 -
Intensive Family Support: Co-Production Day Feedback
Trafford Council and the Intensive Family Support team held a Coproduction day on Wednesday 8 January 2020 at University Academy 92 with the aim of developing key themes to shape a draft Intensive Family Support model. MoreOpened 22 January 2020 -
Section 77 Disposal of School Playing Fields
Trafford Council wishes to dispose of the former school site; Former Trafford High School (THS), Lydney Road, Flixton, M41 8RN (12,343m2) - view plan Former Trafford Medical Education Service (TMES), 350 Flixton Road, Flixton, M41 5GW (1,255m2) - view plan The attached red line plans, include the building and indicate the extent of land (currently owned by Trafford Council) proposed for disposal. In order to... MoreOpened 27 January 2020 -
All Age Travel Assistance Policy Consultation
We are proposing to make changes to the all age travel assistance policy. The policy describes the transport provision and assistance that will be made available, who will be able to apply for it and the circumstances in which it will be available. The policy covers: · Home to school transport - for pre-school and school age children 2 to 16 years. · P ost 16 travel assistance for education and training - for young people 16 to 19 years (or up... MoreOpened 1 February 2020 -
Civic Quarter Area Action Plan Consultation Survey
Trafford Council wants your views on ambitious proposals which aim to transform the area around the Town Hall and surrounding buildings into a new ‘Civic Quarter’. Please complete the following survey, based on the draft Civic Quarter Area Action Plan (AAP) and Integrated Assessment (IA) (including Sustainability Appraisal). Please find these document along with supporting documents on the Area Action Plan web page www.trafford.gov.uk/civic-quarter-aap Data Protection We... MoreOpened 5 February 2020 -
Access Trafford Contact Centre Customer Survey
The Access Trafford Contact Centre is continuously looking at ways to improve the service we currently provide. Your feedback is really important and will help us shape our service to ensure we are meeting the needs of all our residents now and in the future. MoreOpened 14 February 2020 -
Single Point of Access Engagement Survey - Parents and Carers
Trafford are developing a Single Point of Access for Children’s and Young People (CYP) Mental Health Services. In order to support the development of this team we have previously gathered the thoughts and opinions of Children and Young People, and professions who live and work in Trafford. Now that we have gathered the thoughts of children and young people we would like to consult with parents/carers. The majority of this questions asked in this survey are the same... MoreOpened 24 February 2020 -
Couch to 5k
Thank you for participating in the Sale C25k programme. We are really keen to get your views about your programmes and what progress you have made. Please note that your responses will be anonymised. MoreOpened 26 February 2020 -
Equalities Training Survey
In 2020 Just Psychology will be able to offer training sessions around cultural competency to professionals working at an early help level. As such we are keen to hear about professionals' prior experience in this area as well as your ideas for useful content for the training sessions. MoreOpened 4 March 2020 -
Trafford Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise and Faith Sector Covid-19 Impact Needs Survey
The COVID-19 outbreak is affecting us all in unprecedented ways. This survey aims to understand the needs of Trafford VCSE organisations so that we can tailor how we support you in delivering your vital community services. Thrive Trafford is working with Trafford partners as part of a coordinated boroughwide response to the COVID-19 outbreak. We want to ensure that VCSE organisations who are essential to helping residents through the pandemic are enabled to adapt resourcefully... MoreOpened 27 April 2020 -
Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College Expansion Proposals
Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College has been oversubscribed for a number of years and although a number of classrooms have been added recently, there is now a significant shortfall of accommodation in order to maintain current admission numbers. The new accommodation will allow the school to increase its Published Admission Number (PAN) from 210 (pupils per year group) to 290. Currently years 7, 8 and 9 already have close to 290 in each year group; therefore the... MoreOpened 5 May 2020 -
Tree Management Principles Consultation
This consultation is to seek support for the Council to adopt the updated Tree Management Principles for the continued management of the Council’s tree stock across Trafford and to take any views and comments for further consideration. Trafford Council is fully committed to compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and will handle any personal data in line with its published policy that can be found on the Council’s website. By... MoreOpened 8 June 2020 -
Trafford Pandemic Support - follow up survey to Foster Carers
To all of our amazing Trafford foster carers, As daily life continues to be affected by the pandemic lock-down, we the fostering service, once again, are reaching out to learn more about the needs of you, our children and your family A few weeks ago, at the beginning of the lock-down, you may have seen a survey that was circulated to get a snap-shot of the type of support that foster carers were in need of at that time. This new, short survey, is... MoreOpened 18 June 2020 -
Trafford Summer Holiday School Site Availability
In line with Government guidance,Trafford Local Authority is seeking to offer summer provision to children and young people to offer social, emotional and academic support. As such we are scoping the availability of school/academy sites to facilitate this. Please can you complete this short questionnaire. Thank you in advance. MoreOpened 19 June 2020 -
EPIC Pioneer Review
As it is nearly the 1 year anniversary of the EPIC pioneer programme we wanted to reach out to the group and understand a little more what your year as a pioneer has looked like. Any information will be treated confidentially, all reporting will only drill down to directorate level only. We will use the information to share the impact of the role and also to understand any work we may need to do to make the EPIC pioneers even better. This will include promoting the role to... MoreOpened 26 June 2020
255 results.
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